Sunday, March 18, 2007

Gathering of Eagles

I spent my St. Patrick's Day in the same manner I've spent the last couple weeks -- holed up in my apartment, writing term papers. But do you want to know the one place where I would much rather have been? Right here.


And Conservative Propaganda has a great four-part photo essay with a particular focus on the much smaller anti-America rally:

The greatest irony of this "peace" march is that it was led by ANSWER Communists who promote an ideology which killed a hundred million people in the last century. If you're looking for peace, the commies will take you anywhere but there. How did the most murderous ideology in history come to lead the "peace" movement? Ignorance, that's how. Most of the clueless mopes who show up to protest have no idea who is organizing their protest party and don't care. They don't know that ANSWER is a front group for the Stalinist Worker's World Party who supports the most murderous dirtbag dictators in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, of course, was a protestor.
Sorry M-dawg.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Don't apologize to me, apologize to the soldiers... and while you're at it, the good people of Iraq too.

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh matthew. how i miss you.
please oh please tell me you will be in the area this summer.
i will take you on a tour of the sculpture park and then we will buy cds.
PS. does dating a marine count, or should i draft a formal letter to the armed services?

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you are talking about is an old strategy.
One of the books I studied in years ago was Dedication of Leadership by Douglas Hyde (see below). He pointed out that the Communist Party was extremely opportunistic, utilizing any issue that creates social disharmony to further their aganda.


"Dedication and Leadership

Douglas Hyde

On March 14, 1948, Douglas Hyde handed in his resignation as the news editor of the London Daily Worker and wrote “the end” to twenty years of his life as a member of the Communist Party. A week later, in a written statement, Hyde announced that he had renounced Communism and, with his wife and children, was joining the Catholic Church.

The long pilgrimage from Communism to Christ carried Douglas Hyde from complete commitment to Marxism, to a questioning uneasiness about Soviet Russia’s glaring contradictions of ideology and action, to a final rejection of the Party.

In Dedication and Leadership, he advances the theory that although the goals and aims of Communism are antithetical to human dignity and the rights of the individual, there is much to be learned from communist methods, cadres and psychological motivation. Hyde describes the Communist mechanics of instilling dedication, the first prerequisite for leadership. Here is the complete rationale of party technique: how to stimulate the willingness to sacrifice; the advisibility of making big demands to insure a big response; the inspirational indoctrination; and the subtle conversion methods.

In this small book, so large with implications, Douglas Hyde comments on both Communist and Christian potential and their lack of maximum effectiveness. He advocates positive Christian action, not just a negative anti-Communism, and he points out that the guidelines are now down for a decisive choice between total Communism and a total Christianity."

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for illuminating me. I had heard nothing of this event, and was sickened by the inundation of anti-war protest coverage. This gives me hope.

I hate war, too. It is horrible. If anyone loves war, they must have a warped sense of reality. However, as horrible as war is, it can be extremely necessary, because there are those who only want the destruction of those with whom they disagree.

12:28 AM  

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