Sunday, May 15, 2005

Loose Lips Sink Ships

I wouldn't normally link to something Instapundit's already linked, since I'd assume everyone would have already seen it. But I feel that this story should be posted on every site on the internet, until every single American media consumer understands who exactly is giving them the "news."

Prof. Reynolds puts it well:

People died, and U.S. military and diplomatic efforts were damaged, because -- let's be clear here -- Newsweek was too anxious to get out a story that would make the Bush Administration and the military look bad.

Read that carefully. Now, I don't want to get all hysterical, but -- I mean, look: In other words, Newsweek damaged U.S. military and diplomatic efforts because they were too anxious to get out a story that would damage U.S. military and diplomatic efforts. That's tantamount to treason.

UPDATE: "But I feel that this story should be posted on every site on the internet..." Hey, looks like I just about got my wish!


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