Ritual as Universal
One is seven, one is five,
So mommy stayed behind in the car.
Sneakered feet are tired now
On the dirt and needles, earth.
Not dashing in front anymore,
but staying close behind
and always on the lookout
for what might come ahead.
Switchbacks take us higher
to a breathless minor crest
Where it all arrests us --
River spilling through the valley
Silver ribbon in blankets green
Laudamus te
Wheeling hawk in sunlight shafts
Under clouds that billow and roll
Benedicamus te
Damp pine mist and dandelion
Redolent of a forgotten home
Adoramus te
Little queen and her upstart squire
A glimpse of their inheritance
Glorificamus te
Silence full of ancient days
Glorificamus te
Silence full of sanctus days
Glorificamus te
Sanctus full of sanctus days
Gratias agimus tibi
Sanctus sanctus sanctus
Quiet in a humming hospital sleep
Or loud in a spinning highway heap
We sing
Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
So mommy stayed behind in the car.
Sneakered feet are tired now
On the dirt and needles, earth.
Not dashing in front anymore,
but staying close behind
and always on the lookout
for what might come ahead.
Switchbacks take us higher
to a breathless minor crest
Where it all arrests us --
River spilling through the valley
Silver ribbon in blankets green
Laudamus te
Wheeling hawk in sunlight shafts
Under clouds that billow and roll
Benedicamus te
Damp pine mist and dandelion
Redolent of a forgotten home
Adoramus te
Little queen and her upstart squire
A glimpse of their inheritance
Glorificamus te
Silence full of ancient days
Glorificamus te
Silence full of sanctus days
Glorificamus te
Sanctus full of sanctus days
Gratias agimus tibi
Sanctus sanctus sanctus
Quiet in a humming hospital sleep
Or loud in a spinning highway heap
We sing
Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
Does this have its precedence in a memory or just an image?
I just read this again, and it hit me so powerfully. Wow!
Incredible imagery and and insight. It lifts me beyond the veil.
Thank you! Thank you!
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